
Ever thought that a single night can change your whole life? Forget a whole night, just a single post and boom your life has changed. Well my life has changed Cause now my life fucked up.

In the last 10 hours, I did all those pretty things which can led me to my parent's house; where I'm sitting right now.

It's still early in the morning and my parents called me to come over to the house; reason- I can't find any particular reason.

"You post it?" dad inquired, bringing me back from my thoughts.

He's sitting in front of me; on the arm chair while holding his phone. Mom was sitting just beside him on the couch and me? I'm sitting in front of both of them, far from them on a single arm chair.

I shuttered while answering "y-yes" and closed my eyes for a moment.

My hands were on my lap and they were clutching my phone tightly that I might break it; if I were a hulk or something.

Everything was fine until this morning, when my door bell rings. I was so pissed at the person who was ringing my bell continuously because I was sleeping peacefully after such a long time.

When I opened my door I saw Ivan standing there with Bruno; I sent Bruno to the daycare center for a day because of the ceremony. Bruno can't live without me; me neither but days like yesterday I have to send him to daycare center, so that they can take care of him properly.

But after letting Ivan inside he told me-

"You didn't even tell us about this" mom asked and I shook my head lightly, her voice was filled with a little disappointment?but why it's not like I commit some crime.

It's just a post; okay a post where I'm flexing my ring on some men's hand who was none other than Veer and I was smiling also like a five year old kid. The question is Why did I even post it with that caption on it.

"So you want to get married now?" The sudden voice of my dad made me flinch a little. I was so taken by his question that I didn't even notice that I'm staring directly into my dad's eyes.

Marriage it's not for me and it's not like I want to marry him; why would I want to marry him? Forget him, I don't want to get married in my life.

Cause he's everywhere; in every men.

No, I can't think of him in this situation; not his words, not his grip around my neck and not his- no no.

"Marriage and me?" I asked pointing a finger towards me and why the fuck my fingers are shaking by just a slight thought of him.

Shaking my thoughts aside I looked at my parents only to find them looking at me dumbfounded. I know it's my mistake to post it on my social media and by the time I decided to delete it my parents called me.

"you're the one who post it saying you're engaged, so unless you didn't want to get married you wouldn't have posted this" he signs and continues,

"and I know Mr. Oberoi, he's a good man. So I didn't have any problem in your decision" saying this he turned his phone towards me, showing me my post. His holds up a small smile like he's happy that I post it.

Moving my gaze from his face to towards the phone, I saw my post and my brain flashed me some stupid images of me; trying to made him wear my ring.

"I-I mean-" i tried to find some words against his statement about Veer but he's right; Veer is a good man I know. About dating which was fake, we both know that we barely do something like real couples do.

"So you do want to get married, oh my god I'm very happy" mom cut me off even before I can further speak to them, I cast a glare at mom whose showing a happy face to me.

Not you mom.

"It's not like that" I tried to explain "it's just-" this time dad interrupts me,

"We are saying what we are seeing Siya. You post it yourself and announced it to the whole world. Still we'll give you some time to think about it, okay?" he stands up and tugs his phone in his pocket. Giving me an assured smile he walked away to his study room.

I leaned back on the chair and faced towards mom "I'm happy" she murmured while standing up "hope you take a good decision" she added and comes forwards, placing a soft kiss on my temple she said,

"we love you, you know na? If You want to say something don't hesitate okay" while caressing my head lightly. Instead of saying something I just nod at her and stands up "I'll go now" I informed.

After a small bye session with my mom, I finally walked out of the living hall and exits the house. Settling in my car, I drove up to my office.

My thoughts again clouds my mind as I stopped at the red light. Everything was going fine in the ceremony until-UNTIL those ladies dragged me to talk and made me drink god knows how many wine.

I have high tolerance for alcohol but not for wine. To be honest I didn't remember many things which happened yesternight. It's just I was too drunk at that time.

Too drunk to kiss someone just because a blonde bitch taunt you? My inner thoughts questioned.

shut up, I didn't even remember what she said to me. Which makes me to kiss Veer and the worst part is the only thing I remember clearly was the kiss or you can say kisses.

If we slide all the mess and focus on the kisses, it's clear that we both were drunk at that time. Because why would he kiss someone who kissed him so suddenly.

But the feeling of those kisses were different from what I have experienced before; the first one, which I did was soft and the tender one and the second one which veer did, I don't know how to explain it but I felt some sort of affection, aggressiveness in his kiss. Like he wanted to do this for a long time but again he must be drunk like me at that time.

A loud sound of car horn made me flinch, I looked around and realised that I have been here for quite a while and the light has already turned green. I stare at the rear mirror and wait! were my fingers were just tracing my lips while I was thinking about the kiss.

I must be gone crazy.

I shook my head and continues my journey to my office. Parking my car, I walked towards the elevator. It's on the 10th floor right now; means I have to wait. Tapping my heels on the floor I waited for the elevator, soon the door open and some employees faces were turned amused.

Are they making assumptions that I'll not come to office today? Ignoring their nervous greetings I entered into elevator and they all shift backward. Facing to the door, I pressed my floor button while they all starts to whisper.

After whole damn five minutes the door opens of my floor and I rushed to my cabin. Ivan was sitting in his cabin; his cabin was just after mine. Opening his door I said "bring me a coffee right now" and after that I closed the door and marched towards my cabin.

Pushing the glass door, I walked in and place my purse on the desk. Circling around the desk, I sat on the chair and closed my eyes.

Few minutes later a knock bang on the door "come in" i respond.

"Your coffee" Ivan muttered and I opened my eyes, nodding at him I hold the coffee cup and take a sip. Finally something good, after some time I finished the whole coffee while Ivan was just standing there; checking his phone.

His face turned red as he looked at his phone and suddenly he starts to cough roughly "Ivan?" I stood up hurriedly and pass him a glass of water.

"What happened?" I questioned as he drank the water, placing it on the desk he said "n-nothing just I-I mean-" his ears turned red and his face look flushed as he can't find correct words to answer me.

"Okay, no need to explain. Go and check on files" I said, diverting the topic and turned around to sit again. He nods and takes the glass with him while walking out.

What's wrong with him now?

I signed and then I remembered; I have to delete my post. Taking my phone out of the purse, I leaned back on the chair.

I opened Instagram and clicked on the post, my fingers zoomed the picture as I stared at it. No doubt I looked good in this picture. My gaze moves from me towards the hand who's wearing my ring in his smallest finger and suddenly a chuckle escaped from my mouth.

It's cute. But then my eyes falls on my ring, shit. My phone slips from my hand instantly and my head started to move on its own in denial.

Not my grandmother's ring, I wore it because I wanted to feel confident at the ceremony because it was a big moment for me to go there but now I don't have the ring anymore and I know I'm fucked up. If my grandma got to know about this, she'll definitely doesn't leave me.

You have a personal problem with me don't you? Right god?

Now I have to fix this as well. Taking my phone I opened up his contact. Should I call him or just text him? Calling him would be embarrassing but texting will save me from that. Yeah, so I'll text him.

But what should I say first? 'Hey?' Or 'Hi?' my thumbs were dancing on the phone screen while I was fighting with my brain over a text.

After five minutes, gathering all willpower I taped on the send button. my eyes were closed tightly as I shut the phone immediately after sending the message and put it on the desk.

I should distract myself, he will reply after sometime; he must be busy- my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of message popping. I glanced at the phone screen and my eyes widened by seeing it.

Is he that free?

Opening the messages I tapped on his text.

-Me: their photo I want my ring back.

-VEER: but It's mine.

I chocked on air after seeing his response. what? His ring, since when? He must be drunk till now. How can be my ring his.

-Me: What proof do you have that this ring is yours?

-VEER: You gave it to me yourself, don't you? Saying that you want commitment from me. So from that time it was mine.

He can't be serious at this moment. Here I was trying to get my ring back and he's making fun of my drunken state.

-Me: Are you giving it back or not Veer.

That's it eight words and not more than that. Now either he just gives it back to me or I'll make him.

-VEER: Okay. You have to meet me for that Siya.

Now I have to meet him to get my ring back. Okay I can do that right? I'll just go and get my ring back; not before explaining him this whole mess that I have created yesterday. I know I have to explain him every reason I can make to made my stupid act look more understandable.

Because I just can't say to him that 'I got drunk and then i kissed you and that ring thing was stupid' no I can't say.

- Me: Fine. Where do we have to meet then?

-VEER: photo where I'm sitting right now.

I click on the photo and it was a cafe board named 'espresso paradise' closing the aap, I opened Google and searched the cafe name; it's 30 minutes away from my office. Returning to the chat I typed and send it to him.

-Me: okay I'll be there.

Placing my phone on the desk, I rose from the chair and made my way towards my small closet; it's a small room across from my desk, it has some clothes and shoes in case I needed them.

Stepping into the room, I looked around and stands in front of the huge full size mirror. I was looking fine in my black denim jeans; they are not skinny and with my red- 'seeing you in red makes me do crazy things' his fade voice suddenly rings in my ears.

He must be a crazy person.

Shaking my head, I  turned around and picked a light blue top. Tossing my red shirt away I wore the light blue one and then wear my beige heels cause earlier ones definitely doesn't look good with this top.

After that I started to touch up makeup; mascara, lipstick and perfume.

Getting my purse and phone, I walked out of the office and marched towards the parking. Once I settled in I took a deep breath and starts the engine veering towards the cafe. It took me exactly 30 minutes to reach there, minus the time I spend in my small closet.

Exiting out of the car, I stood there and stare at the three floored cafe in front of me; huge glass windows at the sides and wood railing on the front, also it seems that they had a rooftop bar also where their cafe board was placed. The same one which was in the photo.

After few seconds, I walked through the entry and as I enter I saw too many people inside talking to each other; some are couple and same maybe just friends. Ignoring them I starts to search for that person whom I am supposed to meet. My eyes roamed everywhere but there's no sign of him.

Did he left?

"Wrong floor Siya" a sudden husky voice made me flinch and I turned around, only to find Veer standing there with his hands in his pockets.

I gave him are-you-serious look and tells him to take me to the table. He nods and gestured his hand towards the lift, without replying to him, I walked towards the lift and pressed the button while he follows me.

Lift door opens and my eyes stuck at the crowd inside but soon they all started to walked out of the lift. Which made me relaxed. We both entered into lift and then few people walks in the lift but those few people suddenly turned into too many people.

They all entered at the same time which made me stumble back on my god-damn heels but suddenly my leg tripped and I closed my eyes tightly, ready to feel the pain.

But it never came instead a strong arm grips my waist and pulls me closer, which made my back touch to the firm hard chest. I lift my head and my eyes meets his; staring at me carefully.

"You okay?" He asked, tucking a loose strand behind my ear and his gesture almost made my heart skipped a beat. Which also made me loose all my words, I nod at him and turned my face forwards.

What's happening to me?

We stood there for few seconds which felt like eternity, after that the lift opens and then people started to walked out until there only two left; him and I. His hand was still on my waist, securing me from the wall.

Turning my eye towards him, I said "let's go" but my voice came out more as a whisper.

He nod at me moves his leg to step forward but suddenly my body jerks and his other hand instantly went to my front to hold me. We looked at each other and then he realised that he was still holding me. Removing his hands, he slowly scratch his back side of nape and his ears turned slightly red just like how Ivan's turn back in the morning.

Both guys are crazy.

Without saying anything he walked out of the lift and I followed him. He was fast enough to sit on the chair and seeing his little flushed face, I chuckled and shook my head.

I turned around the table and was about to sit but my phone rings with a notification sound. Sitting on the chair, I unlocked my phone and saw a text. It was from an unknown number and seeing it my brows frowned in confusion.

clicking on the text, I read it and my breath hitched for a moment.

-Unknown: Mistake no.2

Someone must be pranking on me, shutting my phone off I put it back in my purse and turned to face Veer. Who was smiling slightly while showing his dimples.

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